The day she saw a super hero

"My dad is a superhero"
This is said by many children especially daughters as they have seen the sacrifices made by their dad since their childhood.
I believe the same as I am a daughter too and I always say it loud again and again

Indeed, my dad is the best superhero but that day I saw a man who is a father, a husband, a son, and a brother who inspired me to the extent that I am writing about him today.

It was Saturday evening when I and my mom were done shopping and we came out from the mall. We both were standing on the pavement looking for an auto-rickshaw then my eye caught a rikshaw parked just at the corner of the footpath. We both walked towards it and then I saw a lady talking to the rikshaw driver so we stopped as we thought that it have been booked. But, the lady didn't sit in the rikshaw and moved away so we started to walk again. We were almost there but a man came and sat on the passenger seat. We both saw each other in anger and were shocked as we looked at the rikshaw again. The man got out of the rikshaw and moved on, we were relatively happier than surprised. Yes, finally we got the rikshaw!!!!!!
And, what I saw in it was too shocking and disturbing. The driver had only 'one leg' !!! I and my mom were surprised to see him driving too appropriately and accurately.
Man: "good to see people sitting in my rikshaw"
Mom: "why people were not agreeing to sit in?"
Man: "people are afraid of death. They think I can't drive with one leg"
Mom: "disgusting"
Man: "I lost my leg in an accident but that accident just took my leg, not my determination, my hard work, and my belief in Allah"
Mom: "sorry to hear this but good to see your determination to live and succeed. Allah won't leave you alone, In sha Allah"
Man: "InshaAllah, my life is in my family so how can i lose hope. I want to live, work and smile for them"
Mom: "You will"
We reached our home... all alive and safe!!!

Indeed, he will succeed because he believes in his Lord but would those disgusting people succeed who refused to sit in just because of the fear of death??? Will you escape death??? Really???

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