Reviving the spirit of March 23:

It took about seven years after the Pakistan Resolution to give final shape to the new state of Pakistan, which has been described by the historians as a unique and unparalleled event in the history of the contemporary world.

Now, it is the time for us to critically reflect on what the idea of Pakistan was and where the state and people stand today?

After years of the founding of Pakistan as a democratic country, it is still struggling to clearly define its direction, identity and interests. As,our Quaid visualised Pakistan as a modern, progressive democratic state that imbibed Islamic values where citizens of different faiths were considered equal. Building malls, public transport and undertaking mega projects is fine because these would serve the basic need of millions of people. But there should have been a corresponding emphasis on education, health and human resource development to sustain growth and self-reliance.
There should be resources for underprevileged people in our society so, that they can also satisfy their basic needs.

Following the same ambition, intention and despiration as our Quaid, HFH is moving it's step forward in building Pakistan more stronger, healthier and united.

HFH invites all the Pakistani's to come forward and revive the spirit of 23rd March by helping the needy and poor people around us and by showing the world that we Pakistanis, the one who created a unique history have the potential to build an unbelievable future!!!!

"No power in this world can undo Pakistan"

Content by,
Amna Asim

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