5 Reasons Muslims Should Avoid 'Sijjin': A Netflix Controversy

Have you ever wondered about the profound influence that films can exert on your personal beliefs?

In today's deep narative we dive and we tackle an issue that's been generating dialogue and disputes on various platforms. The film Sijjin is generating this buzz. Its a newly released Netflix film that's been capturing significant attention. While we Muslims should avoid watching movies and going to cinemas but some aspects of this movie have caused controversy and made it essential for to talk about it and to warn you to not watch this demonic movie.

We will unravel why it is not just a matter of choice but an absolute necessity for Muslims to avoid this movie. Sijjin, a movie based on a real life story where a girl uses Black Magic to break up a couple. We brings to you the main five reasons why it should not be viewed by Muslims or anyone for that matter at any cost.

1. Sijjin reportedly contains real black magic spells and verses from the Quran read backwards. This isn't just a case of our artistic liberty or creative storytelling. The presence of such elements can potentially have a real impact on viewers especially those who are spiritually sensitive.

2.  It's been suggested that the movie is embedded with subliminal messages. Our minds are more impressionable than we might like to admit and such hidden messages can influence our subconscious potentially leading to a form of brainwashing.

3. Its vital to remember that black magic is considered Haram or forbidden in Islam. Scholars have emphasized the importance of steering clear of such forbidden practices not just in our actions but in what we expose ourselves to as well.

4. Any content that promotes magic is also deemed Haram in Islam. By watching such movie one might inadvertently be promoting or supporting these prohibited practices.

5. The movie posters and scenes disrespect the Quran and Islam. As Muslims it is our responsibility to uphold the sanctity of our religion and boycott any form of media or content that disrespects our faith.

In conclusion while Sijjin may be just a movie it's important to be aware of these concerns, the movie reportedly contains real black magic spells and Quranic verses read backwards and might have subliminal messages, it promotes practices that are Haram in Islam and allegedly disrespects the Quran.

In Islam as Muslims it is our duty to respect and protect our faith and be mindful of the content we consume. Remember every choice we make even something as seemingly simple as choosing a movie can have a significant impact on our faith and values.

Islamgram Official 

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